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OAHP team to meet with partners and others across the local health and economic systems

Professor Keith Channon, Director of the OAHP and Dr Sara Ward, Chief Operating Officer, are to meet with Partners’ teams during the early part of the new year.  These meetings are part of the drive to publicise the work of the OAHP being done through and across the Partners and to encourage new collaborations and projects.  In addition, a meeting is being held with the OxLEP on 7 January so that mutual interests can be explored, particularly in relation to the strengths in life sciences and innovation across the area.

Additional meetings are being planned with the Team for the BOB ICS the body that covers Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and West Berkshire and it has the following vision:

Our vision is to achieve the ‘triple aim’ set out in Next Steps On The NHS Five Year Forward View published in March 2017 and close the health and wellbeing, care and quality and financial gaps by:

    • Working together across the ICS, and with partners beyond the ICS, to commission and provide health and care services to deliver benefits that cannot be achieved by one organisation or system acting alone
    • Supporting further development of the Integrated Care Systems in Buckinghamshire and Berkshire West
    • Enabling the Oxfordshire health and care system to become an integrated health and care delivery system by sharing learning from the two first wave shadow Integrated Care Systems in Buckinghamshire  and Berkshire West

Our partnership focus is on the following priority areas:

    • Preventing ill health, by shifting focus from treatment to prevention and adopting a population health management approach to strategic planning and service delivery
    • Collaborating across Acute Trusts, and with other partners, to improve efficiency and optimise available capacity across the system
    • Enhancing cancer treatment and care to improve outcomes
    • Providing digital solutions for self-care, virtual consultations and interoperability to increase patients’ access to information and reduce duplication and travel.
    • Improving our workforce offer and increasing staff retention by working with and Health Education England Thames Valley (TV) to develop staff

Developing a strategic investment programme for our estates and the use of capital to enhance the health and care environment and sharing the learning across our three systems to:

    • Increase our ability to support people in their own homes and avoid an urgent & emergency visit to hospital
    • Plan for more capacity and enhance the quality of maternity care for our growing population
    • Improve the health outcomes and increase the access of patients using mental health services, ensuring services are operating efficiently.
    • Improve access to the highest quality primary care services

The ICS is supported by world leading strengths in life sciences, with major University-NHS partnerships including two Biomedical Research Centres, and the Oxford NIHR.

Oxford University has major strengths in health data and informatics with the Big Data Institute and designated Health Data Research Centre. The region includes over 500 life sciences businesses with major strengths in medical diagnostics and digital innovation.