OAHP Priority: Establish a framework for the sharing and management of clinical data for research and operational purposes.
Across the OAHP partnership, Oxford is creating a big data analytics powerhouse, capable of rapidly generating highly reliable research evidence from linked electronic health records. These databases are constantly developing and growing, with researchers and clinical teams adding connected networks encompassing multiple NHS Trusts, pathology laboratories, and large-scale industry. Linking this infrastructure together through a harmonised data governance framework will enable rapid access to a vast research asset that can address real-world clinically relevant questions across multiple therapeutic areas.
The OAHP Board have established an Oversight Group across the partnership to review and support agreements and templates for data sharing and management.
In addition, through its operational team, OAHP is part of the Thames Valley and Surrey Local Health and Care Record Exemplar (LHCRE), creating an information-sharing environment for health and care services across the region, and supporting anonymized data analysis for improvements in health and wellbeing for 3.8 million people.