Professor Helen McShane
Deputy Head of Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford
Director, NIHR Oxford University Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre
Helen is the Director of the NIHR OUH Biomedical Research Centre and the Deputy Head of Division (Translation and Personnel) providing leadership support for the Head of Division in areas related to clinical translational research and personnel, including representing the Division’s interests within the University, with external funders and within the National Health Service. Professor McShane researches new vaccines for tuberculosis. One of the areas her group is currently studying is whether delivering a TB vaccine via the aerosol route (through nebulisation directly into the lungs) is a more effective method of vaccination.
In the last few years they have started clinical trials investigating aerosol delivery of the vaccine candidate MVA85A and have shown this route to be both safe and immunogenic. Other current projects include the development of a BCG challenge model in humans, evaluating the effect of helminth infection on vaccine induced immune responses, and the evaluation of the protective efficacy of new antigens in viral vectors.