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News Articles: Education and Training

OUH Finalists announced in Oxfordshire Health Awards

Seven exceptional individuals and teams from Oxford University Hospitals (OUH) have been named as finalists at the Oxfordshire Health & Social Care Awards.   The inaugural awards, run by the Oxford Mail and Oxford Times, will celebrate the very best of Oxfordshire’s healthcare heroes and how they have gone above and beyond during the COVID-19 pandemic. […]

News Categories: Corporate Healthcare Innovation Education and Training

Oxford Brookes Global MBA climbs in worldwide rankings

The Oxford Brookes Global MBA programme has risen three places in the 2021 QS Online MBA Rankings to 12th in the world, and 5th in the UK. The rankings were issued this week by higher and business education analysts QS Quacquarelli Symonds. Oxford Brookes University’s MBA is a flexible programme which can be completed via distance […]

News Categories: Corporate Innovation Education and Training

Smart devices project awarded charity funding

A project to test how effective smart devices are at detecting heart rhythm problems has received a grant of almost £150,000 from national charity Heart Research UK.  The project, which will recruit 50 patients at Oxford University Hospitals (OUH) NHS Foundation Trust, will assess whether smart rings and watches can offer an accurate and reliable way […]

News Categories: Research Healthcare Innovation Education and Training

New national study of long-term impacts of debilitating lung damage from COVID-19

A new national study will investigate the long-term effects of lung inflammation and scarring from COVID-19. The study, launched with £2 million of funding from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), aims to develop treatment strategies and prevent disability. Many people recovering from COVID-19 suffer from long-term symptoms of lung damage, including breathlessness, coughing, fatigue and […]

News Categories: Corporate Research Healthcare Innovation COVID-19 Education and Training

New roles for Oxford AHSN Chief Officer and OUH Consultant

Professor Gary Ford, Chief Executive of the Oxford Academic Health Science Network and consultant stroke physician at OUH, is the new Chair of the AHSN Network, the national body bringing together England’s 15 AHSNs. Gary said: “I am delighted to be taking on this role at an important time for AHSNs and the wider NHS. […]

News Categories: Education and Training Innovation Corporate Research Healthcare

€6.2 million for world’s largest study into effect of exercise on children with cancer

A project set to be the world’s largest study into the effects of exercise on the successful treatment of children with cancer has begun, with scientists from Oxford Brookes University taking a leading role. The five and a half year project, named FORTEe, has received €6.2 million (£5.4 million) funding from the EU Horizon programme and involves 16 […]

News Categories: Research Healthcare Innovation Education and Training

Funding boost for pioneering eye genetics research

Medical research into eye genetics at Oxford Brookes University has received a funding pledge of £2 million from Baillie Gifford, an international investment business. The gift supports the work of Professor Nicola Ragge who has spearheaded a national eye genetics service, leading world-leading research into eye development problems in children. Specialising in cases where babies are […]

News Categories: Healthcare Corporate Research Innovation COVID-19 Education and Training

MRC HIU researchers release cheap, quick COVID-19 antibody test

An international research team led by the Townsend Group at the Medical Research Council Human Immunology Unit ((MRC HIU) with other Oxford University scientists has developed a portable test for antibodies that fight the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, published today in Nature Communications. The test, which spots the presence of virus-fighting antibodies rather than a coronavirus infection, can be […]

News Categories: Corporate Research Healthcare Innovation COVID-19 Education and Training

Physiotherapist awarded NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship

A physiotherapist who works with patients in the Adult Intensive Care Unit at the John Radcliffe Hospital has become the first physio working clinically at Oxford University Hospitals to receive funding from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) to study for a PhD. Owen Gustafson, OUH’s lead physiotherapist for the AICU, has been awarded […]

News Categories: Healthcare Innovation Education and Training Research