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News Articles: Healthcare

Funding boost for pioneering eye genetics research

Medical research into eye genetics at Oxford Brookes University has received a funding pledge of £2 million from Baillie Gifford, an international investment business. The gift supports the work of Professor Nicola Ragge who has spearheaded a national eye genetics service, leading world-leading research into eye development problems in children. Specialising in cases where babies are […]

News Categories: Corporate Research Healthcare Innovation COVID-19 Education and Training

MRC HIU researchers release cheap, quick COVID-19 antibody test

An international research team led by the Townsend Group at the Medical Research Council Human Immunology Unit ((MRC HIU) with other Oxford University scientists has developed a portable test for antibodies that fight the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, published today in Nature Communications. The test, which spots the presence of virus-fighting antibodies rather than a coronavirus infection, can be […]

News Categories: Corporate Research Healthcare Innovation COVID-19 Education and Training

New partnership enables access to state-of-the-art radiotherapy machine

The first NHS patient has received treatment on the cutting-edge ViewRay MRIdian technology, thanks to a new partnership between the University of Oxford, Oxford University Hospitals (OUH) NHS Foundation Trust and GenesisCare.   © Genesis Care The partners, with the support of the John Black Charitable Foundation, have collaborated to establish a ten-year programme of […]

News Categories: Corporate Research Healthcare Innovation

Physiotherapist awarded NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship

A physiotherapist who works with patients in the Adult Intensive Care Unit at the John Radcliffe Hospital has become the first physio working clinically at Oxford University Hospitals to receive funding from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) to study for a PhD. Owen Gustafson, OUH’s lead physiotherapist for the AICU, has been awarded […]

News Categories: Research Healthcare Innovation Education and Training

Gary Ford, CEO Oxford AHSN, joins the NICE Board

Professor Gary Ford, Chief Executive of the Oxford AHSN, is joining the Board of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Gary is one of six new non-executive directors. They take up their new roles from 1 April 2021. Gary said: “I am delighted to join the NICE Board and bring my experience in clinical […]

News Categories: Corporate Research Healthcare Innovation

Novavax success in final analyses

The final analyses for this trial are described in Novavax UK and SA Final Data Announcement March 11 2021 FINAL[87]  .  Part of the Study took place at the Warneford site in Oxford houses both the Oxford Health NHS FT and the University of Oxford’s Department of Psychiatry 

News Categories: COVID-19 Corporate Research Healthcare Innovation

Covid-19: investigating the team working experiences of front line NHS staff

A new research project, led by Oxford Brookes University, will examine the team working experiences of front line NHS staff working during the COVID-19 pandemic. The 18-month project, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council as part of UK Research and Innovation’s rapid response to COVID-19, will interview and survey NHS personnel who worked, or […]

News Categories: Corporate Research Healthcare Innovation COVID-19 Education and Training

New publication demonstrates scale of impact delivered by Research and Innovation at Alliance universities

A new publication released today by University Alliance (UA), showcases how research taking place in universities across the Alliance is delivering local and global impact. Oxford Brookes University is one of 12 universities which form University Alliance, representing professional and technical universities. Launched to coincide with British Science Week, the publication uses case studies to highlight how Alliance […]

News Categories: Innovation Corporate Research Healthcare Education and Training

Oxford vaccine creator Professor Sarah Gilbert awarded RSA Albert Medal

Professor Sarah Gilbert has been awarded the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce’ (RSA) Albert Medal for her work on the Oxford vaccine. The lead researcher on the Oxford vaccine team, Professor Sarah Gilbert is Professor of Vaccinology in the Nuffield Department of Medicine at the University of Oxford. She is the Oxford Project Leader for ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, […]

News Categories: Corporate Research Healthcare Innovation COVID-19

Professor Cecilia Lindgren appointed Director of the Big Data Institute

Professor Cecilia Lindgren has been appointed as the new Director of the University of Oxford’s Big Data Institute. The availability of biomedical information, also known as ‘big data’, is increasing rapidly. The analysis of this data provides an opportunity for transforming the scale and efficiency of large-scale clinical research and care. The Big Data Institute (BDI) […]

News Categories: Research Healthcare Innovation Corporate