The NIHR and NHS England and NHS Improvement have designated eight Academic Health Science Centres (AHSCs) in England. AHSCs are partnerships between top universities and NHS organisations that combine excellence in research, health education and patient care.
The newly designated NIHR and NHS England and NHS Improvement Academic Health Science Centres (AHSCs) will harness the strategic alignment of the NHS organisations and their university partners to improve health and care through increased translation of discoveries from early scientific research into benefits to patients.
AHSCs have been jointly designated by the NIHR and NHS England and NHS Improvement follow a competetive process involving both applications and interviews.
AHSCs collaborate extensively with other organisations, including the local Academic Health Science Network (AHSN), NHS England, NHS Innovation, other AHSCs, NIHR infrastructure and the wider innovation landscape.
Their work will support the NHS Long Term Plan, the Life Science Industrial Strategy and the goals of the expanded Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC), accelerating the speed of innovation in healthcare to the national population.
The following eight partnerships have been awarded AHSC designation for the next five years:
- Bristol Health Partners Academic Health Sciences Centre (new partnership)
- Cambridge University Health Partners Academic Health Sciences Centre
- Imperial College Academic Health Sciences Centre
- King’s Health Partners Academic Health Sciences Centre
- Manchester Academic Health Science Centre
- Newcastle Health Innovation Partners Academic Health Sciences Centre (new partnership)
- Oxford Academic Health Partners Academic Health Sciences Centre
- UCL Partners Academic Health Sciences Centre